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Succession and inheritance law

The Legacy Consulting Law Firm offers legal assistance and consultancy in inheritance law. Their consultants take care of all the phases, from the the inheritance filing, of the declaration of succession, up to the acceptance of the inheritance, taking care of all the bureaucratic aspects and the relative transcriptions at the land registry and at the registry of deeds.

It is precisely at the moment of a person’s death that the succession starts. First of all, it is necessary to identify the precise moment to which the effects of the transmission of the inheritance rights are retroacted, and the moment in which comes into effect prescribed period to carry out of the various necessary formalities, including those of a fiscal nature.

The ten-year experience in the field, allows the Legacy Consulting Law Firm to be at the forefront in terms of speed and assistance, having direct access to the Agenzia delle Entrate (the Italian revenue agency) for the payment of all duties, and inheritance taxes.

Moreover, the structure of the firm allows to intervene in every division judgment, in every dispute, bringing competence and professionalism to the inheritance matter.

The Legacy Consulting Law Firm also deals with inheritances that take place between Italy and abroad, arranging, if necessary, the notarial powers of attorney and the European Succession Certificate that allows you to manage the inheritance uniformly even abroad.

Request a free evaluation and we will certainly be able to satisfy your every need!

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